September 11-16, 2023 

Meet The World’s Tallest Trees

The tallest trees on Earth live in California in the coastal redwood zones that we will be visiting during this Healing Power of Trees Retreat.  The very tallest tree on the planet was discovered in Redwood National Park in 2006 and is named Hyperion. Hyperion is 379.7 feet tall, which is taller than the Tower of London and even the Statue of Liberty!  Hyperion’s exact location is kept secret to protect him, but you will meet many other monumental trees like this who will overwhelm you with joy as you merge your heart with theirs.

Experience Forest Bathing In Ancient Groves

In the middle of ancient redwood groves time stands still. On these forest paths, it is so quiet that you can hear your heart beating and your lungs taking in the aromatic forest air. From time to time you can hear the creaking of the majestic giants that surround you as they sway ever so slightly. Or perhaps you’ll hear a pair of birds happily chatting with each other in the distance. When rays of sunlight slip through the tree canopy, spotlighting falling leaves and the ferns and moss below, it instantly sponsors a state of enchantment and awe. You will naturally engage all your senses here, which optimizes the health benefits of forest bathing.

Learn How To Talk With The Redwoods

Many of the redwood trees in the North Coast groves are over 2,000 years old and it is fair to say they possess the wisdom of the ages. Redwood trees are incredibly generous and willing to communicate with anyone who approaches them with an open heart and sincere intent. This is the perfect place to practice the ABCs of talking with trees. Your heart will overflow with pure love as you connect spirit-to-spirit with these ancient masters.

Enhance Your Sense Of Connectedness

Redwood trees are highly evolved spiritual beings and collectively their sheer presence on Earth elevates the consciousness of mankind. Because of the extraordinary spiritual energy that these trees reflect, all you really need to do to get a bonus boost in consciousness is to stand or sit quietly in their presence. Once you have centered yourself, insights about yourself and your life come easily. Trees have perpetual awareness of their connectedness with all of creation, so when you still your mind and body and sit quietly with them you will soon sense the same thing. This deep awareness of our oneness with all of creation is hugely empowering and will forever change your perception of yourself and all life on Earth.

See North Coast Wonders That Will Stir Your Soul



Groves Along The Avenue Of The Giants

The drive along the famous Avenue of the Giants is one of the most spectacular scenic drives in the world. The towering redwood trees around every curve and the endless carpet of ferns will catapult you into a childlike state and will elevate your experience of the most delightful and uplifting emotions that human beings are capable of.

We will visit some very special redwood groves in this area, including the California Federation of Women’s Clubs Grove, which still holds the extraordinary energy of the 20,000 women who joined together in 1931 to raise $45,000 (a fortune in those days) to save this part of the forest.

Nearby, you will have the precious experience of seeing a rare albino redwood tree. There are only about 60 albino redwoods in the world and they have much to teach us about the importance of contribution and the power of one individual to positively impact the wellness of many.

Redwood State And National Parks

Further north along Highway 101 is otherworldly Prairie Creek State Park where you will see trees that are so huge and so incredibly beautiful that it is impossible to effectively communicate their grandeur in a photograph. It is also impossible to appreciate the majesty, intelligence, and spiritual awesomeness of these ancient beings without meeting them in person. This particular place on our planet is an important planetary power spot where cosmic and earth energies merge. Your empathic abilities and other emotional/intuitive sensing skills will be elevated here, making it very easy to communicate with the trees and realize your Oneness with Nature.

Just-For-Fun Quirky Spots

Laughter, delight, and amusement are emotional experiences that are sure to uplift your mind, heart, and spirit, so this retreat includes plenty of opportunities to stimulate all of these feelings. We’ll stop for lunch in the adorable Victorian village of Ferndale, a charming place that oozes with creative self-expression and will surely make you smile, especially the Golden Gate Mercantile. Then there’s Bigfoot, who is well known and has been sighted numerous times tromping through the redwoods, and was even filmed once. We’ll stop at the Legend of Bigfoot extravaganza where you can learn more about the big guy, buy a funky birdhouse made of bits and bobs from the forest, or perhaps a little gnome or colorful ceramic mushroom for your garden.

Fern Canyon

Fern Canyon is not far from the Pacific coast and the small town of Orick. During our journey through the canyon, you will be wrapped in a blanket of ferns and mosses that cling to the towering canyon walls from top to bottom. Some of the seven different types of ferns that live here are ancient species, with ancestry tracing back 325 million years. Considered one of the top nature walks in California, the mesmerizing beauty and peacefulness of the canyon will uplift your heart, open your mind, and instantly expand your spiritual connection with your inner self and with Nature.

Spectacular Scenery Along The Redwood Highway

The stretch of Highway 101 from Leggett to the Oregon border is called the Redwood Highway because there is redwood forest along most of the route. At Eureka, the drive includes fantastic ocean views. We will stop in the seaside town of Trinidad which is noted for its spectacular coastline beaches and offshore rocks. These rocks are part of the California Coastal National Monument of which Trinidad is a Gateway City.


Miranda Gardens Resort is a charming collection of cozy cottages that are perfectly situated in an idyllic setting about midway between the start and finish of the Avenue of the Giants. Imagine redwood trees right out your front door, toasting marshmallows and sharing stories around the campfire at night, and absorbing all the elements of the forest while you sleep. Heavenly!


Michele Fitzgerald is a life-long student and teacher of practical spirituality, a highly sensitive empath, and co-creator of the Healing Power of  Trees website.  Along with many helpers from the Nature Kingdom, she will serve as your guide and teacher throughout our North Coast experiences. Michele has been communicating with trees and the invisible beings of the Nature Kingdom for decades and has a special affinity with tree spirits and their helpers. She has had many delightful experiences and conversations with North Coast redwood trees and will share some of her favorite stories during this heart-boosting retreat.




Price includes 5 nights lodging (double-occupancy room accommodation), meals (BLD) on all retreat days, ground transportation throughout the retreat, and ground transportation between our lodging site and the Eureka-Humbolt airport. Price also includes guided forest bathing experiences, other spiritual and health-boosting activities involving trees, and various site-seeing adventures. Package price does not include airfare or other transportation costs from your home to and from the Eureka-Humbolt Airport.


Group size is limited to 8 participants to ensure an intimate and unique learning experience, and to protect the extraordinary natural habitats we will be visiting. Contact Michele for more information and to enroll. 


In the early 1900s, loggers came to what is now Humboldt Redwoods State Park to cut down lofty ancient redwoods for grape stakes and shingles. The founders of Save the Redwoods League thought that was akin to “chopping up a grandfather clock for kindling.” From the acquisition of a single grove in 1921, the League has raised millions of dollars to build and expand this park. Today Humboldt Redwoods spans 53,000 acres, an area almost twice the size of San Francisco. About one-third, or 17,000 acres, of the park is old-growth redwood forest—the largest expanse of ancient redwoods left on the planet.

To help the Save the Redwoods League with their continuing efforts, 10% of your enrollment fee will be donated to their organization.